Monday, December 15, 2008

in case you haven't heard....

We're having a baby!! Due date Aug 3. I'm 7 wks along, I've been to the doctor twice, saw a strong heartbeat, and everything is looking good.

And here is a note on wrote on Friday documenting our crazy day.

December 12...I've dreaded this day since last April. Today marked the due date of my first baby that we lost. For the last several months I kept thinking about this day. How will I feel? Will the pain go away? As the day approached the sadness overwhelmed me. That was going to be the day (or around it) that I should have met our baby. Well, the Lord had other plans and we just didn't know it.

A few weeks ago we were shocked to find out I was pregnant again! Fear just shook me. What if I lose this one too? I can't tell anyone because how embarrassing if I had another miscarriage. I've walked through a cloud of fear for weeks. When I called my dr to schedule my first appt they said "We can get you in on December 12 if that works". Ok, this is going to be a really really good thing I thought or possibly a heartbreaking day if we don't find a heartbeat or see a baby in there. "Yes the 12th works great I said" In this last week I've listened to the song 'Your Great Name' countless times. Casting out the fear and proclaiming God's name in spite of my circumstances or fear. I just needed PEACE.

This morning I woke up with a mix of emotions. The original birthdate of my first baby, and the confirmation of a healthy pregnancy was just hours away. Zach and I headed to my dr appt rather nervous. They did an ultrasound and as clear as anything there was the little peanut and a heart beating about 160 beats/minute. PRAISE GOD!!!

Today will always be a day I remember. The end of a valley of darkness and pain, and the beginning of a new journey- another LIFE! A God ordained life that has been created!



Grace Clausing said...

Woohoo!! Congrats guys!

Dana said...

I'm so, so happy for you!!! What a great early Christmas gift!

Lori said...

Beautifully put, Krista!
I had a miscarriage before I got pregnant with Aron and I felt a lot of the same emotions. We are so excited for you guys and praise God with you for this new little peanut!