Thursday, July 24, 2008

New Personal Best!!

I reached a milestone. This morning I ran the farthest I've ever run in my life! Thanks to my Nike running chip I have it perfectly documented. I didn't have to take any walking breaks either...just a straight run and I did hills! I was so excited to share this with my 3 blog readers out there.

Distance 5.53 miles
Time 53.22
Pace: 9.37 min/mile
Calories: 604 (i really like that part;)


Stephanie said...

woo hoo!!

HawkNest said...

So sorry Sierra and I didn't show up to see this in action . . . but the afterstory was so speedily spoken that even my head is buzzing now! Way to go woman! (Now can we go get Angel's fried chicken, mashed potatoes, and mac 'n cheese?!?)

Grace Clausing said...

Yay! Go Krista! Doesn't it feel awesome to run a PR? I'm so happy for you.